(512) 568-1463
(512) 568-1463
Charleston ShakerMicrowave Shelf KitAdd-On Accessory for WOC3018
Charleston Shaker1 Door: 14-1/2"W x 17"H x 3/4"ThColor-Matched InteriorDoes Not Include Mullions or Glass
The Bright White Shaker F342 is:3" W x 3/4" D x 42" H
Finished Plywood VeneerOnly Finished On One SideGrain Runs Long Way
Toekick Cover is:4-1/2" H x 96" L x 1/4" Th x
Cove Crown Molding is:3-5/8" H x 3-1/26" D x 96" L
Charleston Shaker30" W x 34-1/2" H x 21" DVanity Combo Base Bathroom Cabinet - Drawers LeftHas One Door: 17-1/2" W x 22-1/2" H x 3/4" ThFalse drawe...
View full detailsCharleston Shaker1 Door: 20-1/2" W x 35" H x 3/4" Th2 Adjustable Shelves
Wall Skin VeneerFinished on One Side Only
Wall Decorative End Panel 30 is:11-1/2" W x 29" H x 3/4" Th
Vanity Decorative End Panel is:20-1/2" W x 29" H x 3/4" Th
Universal Skin VeneerFinished on One Side Only
ShelfOne Long Edge Banded To MatchFinished On Both Sides
Refrigerator End Panel:1-1/2"W | 96"H | 30"D
Dishwasher End Panel is:3" W x 24" D x 34-1/2" H
BB Finished Plywood VeneerFinished Bead Board Plywood Panel
Base Skin VeneerFinished on One Side Only
Base Decorative End PanelDecorative Dummy Side PanelUse With Base CabinetsNote: Not For Replacement Door
Shoe Molding is:96" L x 3/4" H x 1/2" Th
Scribe Molding96"W | 3/4"H | 1/4"D
Outside Corner Molding is:3/4" H x 3/4" W x 1/4" Th x 96" L
3-1/8" H x 3/4" Th x 96" L
Light Rail Molding is:96" L x 1-3/16" H x 3/4" Th
Furniture Molding is:4-15/16" W x 3/4" D x 96" L